About Tarrytown Alliance
The Tarrytown Alliance, a nonprofit neighborhood association in Austin, Texas, is a membership organization of neighbors who live in Tarrytown and share interests in issues that affect the neighborhood. Membership is open to all who reside in or own property within Tarrytown. We have the 78703 zip code and are in Austin City Council District 10.
Our History
The Tarrytown Alliance was initially formed when neighbors came together over the issues raised by the reorganization of Austin’s planning, zoning, and development regulations known as CodeNEXT. The Alliance position is that such a major change in what will be allowable in Austin neighborhoods should provide adequate time for input and ideas from the citizen stakeholders affected.
Our Tarrytown neighborhood is within the established central city that has been targeted for more development. Therefore, we are especially concerned that the timetable for implementing these changes is too short for Tarrytown residents and businesses to become familiar with the issues and implications of CodeNEXT.
The Tarrytown Alliance plans to work with other neighborhood associations and organizations to slow the timetable for adoption down so that important neighborhood concerns are addressed before CodeNEXT is adopted.

Board of Directors
Deborah Hanna
2900 Bowman Ave
Austin TX 78703
cell 512-461-8185
Email Deborah Hanna
Michael Nadeau
1901 Forest Trail
Austin TX 78703
Email Michael Nadeau
Nancy O’Bryant Puentes
1808 Forest Trail
Austin TX 78703
Email Nancy O’Bryant Puentes
Photo credit - top image: Mayfield Park © Lone Star Mike (Creative Commons)